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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | systema cardiovasculare Short Extended |
Level 2 | systema arteriosum Short Extended |
Level 3 | aorta descendens Short Extended |
Current level | aorta abdominalis |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
3789 | 4196 | tax |
aorta abdominalis ; pars abdominalis aortae
abdominal aorta
14734 | 4197 | tax |
arteria phrenica inferior (par)
inferior phrenic artery (pair)
70806 | 4198 | tax |
arteriae suprarenales superiores (par)
superior suprarenal arteries (pair)
14737 | 4199 | tax |
arteriae lumbales (par)
lumbar arteries (pair)
4199 |
# arteria lumbalis
# lumbar artery
14867 | 4200 | tax |
ramus dorsalis
dorsal branch
14868 | 4201 | tax |
ramus spinalis
spinal branch
86036 | 4202 | tax |
arteria medullaris segmentalis
segmental medullary artery
13821 | tax |
arteria radicularis magna (par)
great radicular artery (pair)
14812 | 4207↓ | tax |
truncus coeliacus
coeliac trunk ▲
14768 | 4208 | tax |
arteria gastrica sinistra
left gastric artery
70431 | 4209 | tax |
rami oesophageales ; rami oesophageales
oesophageal branches ▲
15674 | tax |
arcus gastricus
gastric arch
14771 | 4210 | tax |
arteria hepatica communis
common hepatic artery
14775 | 4211 | tax |
arteria gastroduodenalis
gastroduodenal artery
70438 | 4212 | tax |
(arteria supraduodenalis )
(supraduodenal artery )
14784 | 4213 | tax |
arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior posterior
posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
70463 | 4214 | tax |
rami pancreatici
pancreatic branches
70464 | 4215 | tax |
rami duodenales
duodenal branches
70793 | 4216 | tax |
arteriae retroduodenales
retroduodenal arteries
14781 | 4217 | tax |
arteria gastroomentalis dextra
right gastroomental artery ; right gastroepiploic artery
75831 | 4218 | tax |
rami gastrici
gastric branches
14779 | 4219 | tax |
rami omentales
omental branches ; epiploic branches
15675 | tax |
arcus gastroomentalis
gastroomental arch ; gastroepiploic arch
14782 | 4220 | tax |
arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior anterior
anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
70463 | 4221 | tax |
rami pancreatici
pancreatic branches
70464 | 4222 | tax |
rami duodenales
duodenal branches
14776 | 4223 | tax |
arteria gastrica dextra
right gastric artery
15674 | tax | |||||
14772 | 4224 | tax |
arteria hepatica propria
proper hepatic artery ; hepatic artery proper
14778 | 4225↓ | tax |
arteria hepatica dextra ; ramus dexter
right hepatic artery ; right branch
14835 | 4226 | tax |
arteria cystica
cystic artery
70447 | 4227 | tax |
arteria lobi caudati dextra
right artery of caudate lobe
71708 | 18222 | tax |
ramus lobi sinistri
branch of left lobe
70441 | 4228 | tax |
arteria segmenti anterioris
anterior segmental artery
70444 | 4229 | tax |
arteria segmenti posterioris
posterior segmental artery
14779 | 4230↓ | tax |
arteria hepatica sinistra ; ramus sinister
left hepatic artery ; left branch
70455 | 4231 | tax |
arteria lobi caudati sinistra
left artery of caudate lobe
70455 | 18225 | tax |
ramus lobi dextri
branch of right lobe
70448 | 4232 | tax |
arteria segmenti medialis sinistri
medial segmental artery
70451 | 4233 | tax |
arteria segmenti medialis lateralis
lateral segmental artery
77146 | 4234 | tax |
ramus intermedius
intermediate branch
14773 | 4235 | tax |
arteria splenica ; arteria lienalis
splenic artery
70471 | 4236 | tax |
rami pancreatici
pancreatic branches
14787 | 4237 | tax |
arteria pancreatica dorsalis
dorsal pancreatic artery
14790 | 4238 | tax |
arteria pancreatica inferior
inferior pancreatic artery
14791 | 4239 | tax |
arteria prepancreatica
prepancreatic artery
14792 | 4240 | tax |
arteria pancreatica magna
greater pancreatic artery
14793 | 4241 | tax |
arteria caudae pancreatis
artery to tail of pancreas
14796 | 4242 | tax |
arteria gastroomentalis sinistra
left gastroomental artery ; left gastroepiploic artery
14798 | 4243 | tax |
rami gastrici
gastric branches
14797 | 4244 | tax |
rami omentales
omental branches ; epiploic branches
15675 | tax | |||||
70808 | 4245 | tax |
arteriae gastricae breves
short gastric arteries
71554 | 4246 | tax |
rami splenici ; rami lienales
splenic branches
14795 | 4247 | tax |
arteria gastrica posterior
posterior gastric artery
14749 | 4248 | tax |
arteria mesenterica superior
superior mesenteric artery
14805 | 4249 | tax |
arteria pancreaticoduodenalis inferior
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
70479 | 4250 | tax |
arteria pancreaticoduodenalis inferior anterior
anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
70480 | 4251 | tax |
arteria pancreaticoduodenalis inferior posterior
posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
70809 | 4252 | tax |
arteriae jejunales
jejunal arteries
70810 | 4253 | tax |
arteriae ileales
ileal arteries
14815 | 4254 | tax |
arteria ileocolica
ileocolic artery
14816 | 4255 | tax |
arteria caecalis anterior
anterior caecal artery ▲
14817 | 4256 | tax |
arteria caecalis posterior
posterior caecal artery ▲
14818 | 4257 | tax |
arteria appendicularis
appendicular artery
14819 | 4258 | tax |
ramus ilealis
ileal branch
14821 | 4259 | tax |
ramus colicus
colic branch
14811 | 4260 | tax |
arteria colica dextra
right colic artery
77443 | 4261 | tax |
arteria flexurae coli dextrae
right flexural artery
14810 | 4262 | tax |
arteria colica media
middle colic artery
14824 | 4263 | tax |
arteria marginalis coli ; arteria juxtacolica; arcus marginalis coli
marginal artery of colon ; juxtacolic artery; marginal arcade
14750 | 4264 | tax |
arteria mesenterica inferior
inferior mesenteric artery
14826 | 4266 | tax |
arteria colica sinistra
left colic artery
77149 | 4265 | tax |
ramus ascendens
ascending branch
14829 | 15682 | tax |
ramus descendens
descending branch
14830 | 4267 | tax |
arteriae sigmoideae
sigmoid arteries
14832 | 4268 | tax |
arteria rectalis superior ; arteria anorectalis superior
superior rectal artery ; superior anorectal artery; superior hemorrhoidal artery
14754 | 4269 | tax |
arteria suprarenalis media (par)
middle suprarenal artery (pair)
14751 | 4270↓ | tax |
arteria renalis (par)
renal artery (pair)
86338 | 4271 | tax |
rami capsulares (par)
capsular branches (pair)
15868↓ | tax |
plexus capsularis (par)
capsular plexus (pair)
69264 | 4272 | tax |
arteria suprarenalis inferior (par)
inferior suprarenal artery (pair)
70485 | 4273 | tax |
ramus anterior (par)
anterior branch (pair)
70499 | 4274 | tax |
arteria segmenti superioris renis (par)
superior segmental artery (pair)
70500 | 4275 | tax |
arteria segmenti anterioris superioris renis (par)
anterior superior segmental artery (pair)
70501 | 4276 | tax |
arteria segmenti anterioris inferioris renis (par)
artery of inferior anterior segment of kidney (pair)
70502 | 4277 | tax |
arteria segmenti inferioris renis (par)
inferior segmental artery (pair)
70488 | 4278 | tax |
ramus posterior (par)
posterior branch (pair)
70503 | 4279 | tax |
arteria segmenti posterioris renis (par)
posterior segmental artery (pair)
15883↓ | tax |
(ramus inferior (par) )
(inferior branch (pair) )
71556 | 4280 | tax |
rami ureterici (par)
ureteric branches (pair)
70985 | 3078↓ | tax |
arteriae intrarenales (par)
intrarenal arteries (pair)
3078 |
# arteria intrarenalis
# intrarenal artery
71637 | 3079 | tax |
arteriae interlobares (par)
interlobar arteries (pair)
3079 |
# arteria interlobaris
# interlobar artery
71638 | 3080 | tax |
arteriae arcuatae (par)
arcuate arteries (pair)
3080 |
# arteria arcuata
# arcuate artery
86339 | 3081↓ | tax |
arteriae interlobulares (par) ; arteriae corticales radiatae (par)
interlobular arteries (pair) ; radiate cortical arteries (pair)
3081 |
# arteria interlobularis ; arteria corticalis radiata
# interlobular artery ; radiate cortical artery
272216 | 3082↓ | tax |
arteriolae glomerulosae afferentes (par)
afferent glomerular arterioles (pair)
15870↓ | tax |
plexus capillares peritubulares (par)
peritubular capillary plexuses (pair)
3083↓ | tax |
arteriolae glomerulosae efferentes (par)
efferent glomerular arterioles (pair)
71641 | 3084↓ | tax |
arteriae perforantes radiatae (par)
radiate perforating arteries (pair)
72006 | 3085↓ | tax |
arteriolae rectae (par) ; vasa recta descendentia (par)
descending straigth arteries (pair)
14904 | 15684 | tax |
(arteria renalis accessoria (par) )
(accessory renal artery (pair) ; supernumerary renal artery (pair))
14761 | 4282 | tax |
arteria ovarica (par) ♀
ovarian artery (pair) ♀
75574 | 4284 | tax |
rami ureterici (par) ♀
ureteric branches (pair) ♀
75576 | 4285 | tax |
rami tubarii (par) ♀
tubal branches (pair) ♀
14758 | 11348 | tax |
arteria testicularis (par) ♂
testicular artery (pair) ♂
4283 | tax |
rami ureterici (par) ♂
ureteric branches (pair) ♂
75575 | 11349 | tax |
rami epididymales (par) ♂
epididymal branches (pair) ♂
15683↓ | tax |
rami retroperitoneales anteriores
anterior retroperitoneal branches
113 lines
69.0 %
60.2 %
35 partial items
146 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
3078 |
Subdivision following Gray’s Anatomy (38th ed) and Benninghoff (16th ed).
3081 |
Following TA2, the synonyms become the official terms, since they are much more frequently used in the literature. The interlobular arteries usually end in the renal medulla.
3082 |
The afferent glomerular arterioles arise from the arcuate and interlobular arteries.
3083 |
The efferent glomerular arterioles arise from the peritubular capillary plexus.
3084 |
Some interlobular arteries reach as perforant radiate arteries the renal cortex, and may anastomose with the capsular plexus.
3085 |
The vasa recta include descending (arterial) and ascending (venous) types. In TA98, the term arteriola recta is used.
4207 |
Variations in the truncus coeliacus are quite frequent, and its incomplete formation appears in 8% of cases as Truncus gastrosplenicus, Truncus hepatosplenicus or Truncus hepatogastricus (Whitley et al. 2020 Clin Anat 28:49-
4225 |
The right and left branches of the proper hepatic artery are commonly referred to as the right and left hepatic arteries
4230 |
See note # 4225
4270 |
In general, the renal artery divides into anterior and posterior branches, but an inferior branch may be found.
15683 |
Direct, fine branches from the abdominal aorta, the renal artery, the testicular or ovarian artery and the common iliac artery feed adjacent lumbar and common iliac lymph nodes and related structures (Turyna et al. 2014 Clin Anat 27:894-899).
15868 |
The capsular plexus of the kidney is supplied by the renal artery, but may also receive branches from the inferior suprarenal, testicular or ovarian arteries.
15870 |
Plexus formed by the branches of the glomerular arterioles.
15883 |
An inferior branch of the renal artery may supply the inferior renal segment.
Signature |
Type of list | P4 |
List Unit Identifier | 4196 |
Number of children | 145 (validated) |
Number of units | 96 (validated) |
Signature | 13006 (validated since 14.1.2025) |
Date: 16.01.2025 |